A challenge of sorts.

For the past couple of months, I’ve been brainstorming different ideas of where I want to take this and what exactly I’m doing here.
When talking with my friend and fellow blogger, The Pretty Platform, I realized that I wasn’t 100% satisfied with the contents of my blog. I wanted something with a purpose, I wasn’t sure if my personal stories were helping anyone get by on their day to day life. The one thing that I dislike feeling above anything else is feeling like I’m truly alone in what my thoughts are but getting the chance to have people read about it makes me feel less alone. I am incredibly grateful to those of you that have reached out and told me that they understand or that they’ve been there before.

That being said, I finally picked up a copy of The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck and dug my heels right into it. I’ve read excepts, I’ve followed Sarah Knight on social media and I love everything she has to say. There are times her words have completely helped me get through the day to day,
and in that I know that I am not alone. I’m a little less than halfway through and there are so many things that are said in here that I want to just bring out the highlighter for as if I were still in college.

The challenge here is to make a list of things you do or don’t give a f about – the topics are Things, Work, Friend-Acquantainces-Strangers, & Family. So here I am, making my own personal list starting with the first topic at hand. Things. The things that I do or do not give a fuck about might not be what would be on your list – and that’s okay. People these days get very offended if you don’t like something that they do, ranging from professional wrestling to This Is Us. I don’t care of someone doesn’t like The Bachelor, I like it and it brings me joy. I’m not gonna shit on someone’s choice to enjoy the things that they do, I can politely disagree and move on.

So folks, what I’m challenging you to do is this: Get Sarah’s book. Grab a pen and start making those lists. I am going to be making mine and I plan on sharing it. I’ve been working very hard in therapy on my give-a-fs-meter and I’ve done pretty good so far, but I know I’ve got a long ways to go. From worrying about shit I can’t control to worrying about the things that aren’t really ‘things’ – I’ve been through the entire spectrum. Let’s get rid of this dead weight in our heads. Those linen pants you thought were cute and you bought them? Hvae you even tried them on yet? No? Return them. Sure, it’ll look cute with the new tops you just bought but is it making a difference to have these pants? You even forgot you had them, jackass. This is something you can control, an example if you will.

Hey Marie, you said that you were thinking about changes to make to your blog, are you gonna elaborate?

I’m talking to myself, so I probably sbould call it quits and save that for another day. Until then, make your list of things you don’t give a fuck about (OR DO) and get back to me. We can get through this together, and just like I’m reminded that I’m not alone in this world, you aren’t either.


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